Hemp, unfortunately, has been cast in a certain image. People, in general, associate it with marijuana in all three forms prevalent in India, namely bhang, charas, and ganja. It is amazing, therefore, how…

Cotton is a widely popular fabric crop in India and also plays a vital role in its export economy. However, the crop has its large share of issues as well – in terms…
Conventional paper packaging is touted as a clean way of packing stuff. The common perception is that paper packaging is a considerably better option than plastic, which emerged as a preferred packing material…
Textiles provide a fertile ground for microorganisms’ growth. Heat, humidity, and sweat are sustenance for the bacteria, helping them to multiply. Having a large surface area as well as the capacity to preserve…
Sounding bugle for an awareness campaign about the economic and environmental advantages of hemp plantation, a Hemp Foundation team is visiting every door of hundreds of Uttarakhand villages, all living in extreme poverty.…
Face masks have become omnipresent in 2020, thanks to the Covid situation. These masks are supposed to protect us from the fatal virus, acting as our first shield of defense. But have you…