Leading researchers have claimed that hemp seeds are not a by-product of the hemp plant anymore. Hemp seeds have immense health benefits and nutritional value. By not including it in our diets, we’re missing out.
The high nutritional value of hemp seed has drawn increasing attention in scientific research. There has the progressive increase in the number of scientific publications related to the term “hemp protein” and “hemp seed” in the title, abstract, and keywords of the publications.
This is because people like you and me are looking for an all-natural, plant-based and healthy source for our dietary needs. We want protein; we want fatty acids; we want omega-3, and most importantly, we want these benefits without gaining weight.
Hemp seeds can achieve what your current protein powder and flax seeds are doing, but hemp seeds can do it better.

In the context of economic and social progress, human health is becoming an increasingly important personal and social value. Hemp seeds have significant benefits for the body. They improve our immunity and can aid in the prevention of fatal diseases like cancer.
But don’t take my word for it.
This is what the experts are saying.
I have highlighted the insights from the top 10 research papers about hemp seeds. Keep reading, and after you’re done, add hemp seeds to your grocery list.
I mean, what’s the harm? Till date, there have been no reported cases of toxicity from the consumption of hemp seeds.
- Use hemp seeds to develop resistance to cancer and inflammation
You may already know that hemp seed oil is extremely valuable because of its nutritional properties and health benefits, but did you know how?
The nutritional value of hemp has primarily been associated with its fatty acid content. However, this article tells us that there are more benefits that we can extract from hemp seed.
Hemp seed oil has a balance of omega-6 and omega-3 PUFA in the proper 3:1 ratio. This helps your body develop greater resistance to cancer, inflammation, and blood clotting.
Hemp seed oil also contains ꞵ-sitosterol, which can act as an antioxidant and prevent cancer activities.

Hemp seed oil, unlike other natural oils, does not cause an over-accumulation of certain metabolic products. The fatty acid metabolic pathways have the necessary intermediates to work efficiently regardless of the quantities consumed.
To this date, there have been no cases of toxicity from the ingestion of hemp seed oil.
Title of the paper: The Composition of Hemp Seed Oil and Its Potential as an Important Source of Nutrition
Read the full paper at: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/J133v02n04_04
- Replace your usual source of protein with hemp to improve digestion
Include hemp seeds in your diet for protein. You can now replace protein sources in the food and nutraceutical industry with hemp seeds.
Whole hemp seeds contain 25% to 35% oil and 20% to 25% protein. After removal of the hull, the edible portion of the seeds contains, on average, 46.7% oil and 35.9% protein.
The protein you get from hemp seed protein can improve your digestion. It has a desirable essential amino acid composition. The arginine content in hemp seeds, at 12%, is also remarkably high. Arginine makes protein for our bodies. We all know how important protein is for maintaining healthy body weight.
Hemp seed is an under-exploited nonlegume, protein-rich seed.
Hemp Seed protein consists mainly of globulin (edestin) and albumin. Edestin accounts for approximately 60% to 80% of the total protein content.
Hemp seeds are also low-allergen.
Read the full paper here to understand how these different components work in the body and improve our health: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1541-4337.12450
- Use hemp seeds to aid for its bioactive compounds
Did you know that hemp was primarily grown for its fiber? The nutrient-rich hemp seeds were merely a by-product.
Only in the past two decades hemp seeds have gained popularity due to their high nutritional value and potential functionality.
This article had conducted a literature review about the nutritional and functional properties of hemp seeds .
These oilseeds contain 25–35% lipids with unique and perfectly balanced FA profiles. Lipids make up the building blocks of the structure and function of living cells.
They have over 80% of PUFAs, with the EFAs n-6 LA and n-3 ALA. When consumed, these ratios align with the perfect ratio suggested for human nutrition.
Hemp seeds also have different bioactive compounds. Bioactive compounds promote good health in the body. They have unique phenolics (work as antioxidants) and bioactive peptides (can help your body fight bacteria and promote wound healing). These promote antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, antihypertensive, antiproliferative, and hypocholesterolemic activities within the body.
Read the full paper at : https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/12/7/1935/htm
- Use hemp seeds to get essential fatty acids
You can use the oil extracted from hemp seeds as your source of essential fatty acids. We can also use this oil as an ingredient for body creams, detergents and soaps.
Hemp seed oil is also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (linoleic and alpha-linoleic). These acids can reduce your cholesterol and blood pressure levels and provide you with immune support.
Moreover, hemp seeds are also rich in protein. The two main hemp proteins are albumin (33%) and edestin (65%), which have very similar structures to blood proteins, so they have a slight digestibility.
Hemp seeds provide you with a balance of omega-3 acids and omega-6 fatty acids. You also get the optimal ratio of LA and LNA of 3: 1 by consuming hemp oil.

Read the full paper at: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Studies-on-using-hemp-seed-as-functional-ingredient-Apostol/dbb42a236492d278f4884ad725d6029842159db8
- Hemp seeds can improve quality of milk produced by ewes which can then aid human health
This article assessed the effects of intake of hemp seeds on milk production of a sheep. Fatty acid (FA) profile, and oxidative stability were the factors kept in consideration.
The research concluded that the use of hemp in diets of ewes (female sheep) presented advantages in milk yield and composition.

URL: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/sajas/article/view/172390
- The hemp feeding increases the PUFA (especially n-3 and c9,t11 CLA) content of the milk.
- It reduced the AI, TI, and n-6/n-3 FA ratio, and increased the h/H ratio in milk fat and consequently improved the nutritional quality of milk which can benefit our health.
- The high concentrations of PUFAs were associated with an increasing risk of lipid oxidation.
- The inclusion of hemp in the diet of ewes increased the α-tocopherol content and antioxidant activity.
This means that hemp works as a natural antioxidant and could contribute to preventing lipid oxidation in raw milk.
Read the full paper at: https://www.ajol.info/index.php/sajas/article/view/172390
- Use hemp to improve your overall health
This paper highlights the medical benefits that we can gain from consuming hemp seeds.
- Hemp seeds are rich in Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). It can smooth your muscles, control inflammation and body temperature. It can also help, if you have ADHD.
- Hemp seed oil can relieve rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Hemp seed oil has anti-arthritic effects. It can also help patients suffering from anti-arthritic symptoms.
- Hemp seeds can work as natural appetite suppressants. Adding these seeds to your daily meals will help you curb excess calories and aid weight loss.
- Hemp oil is an excellent source of fiber and plant based protein. You get healthy fats and a healthier heart once you cut down the meat intake for protein and replace it with hemp.
- Consume one to two tablespoons of hemp seeds in a morning smoothie to naturally lower blood pressure, reduce LDL cholesterol, raise HDL cholesterol and improve triglycerides.
- Hemp seed will help you naturally reduce inflammation levels. It can strengthen your immune system because of its perfect fatty acid profile of omega-3 fats and Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA).
Read full paper at: https://www.thepharmajournal.com/archives/?year=2021&vol=10&issue=1&ArticleId=5624
- Use hemp flour in your bread for increased nutrition.
In this research, hemp seed cake remaining after oil pressing was processed in the laboratory conditions to get hemp flour. The obtained hemp flour was mixed with wheat flour at different hemp/wheat flour ratios.
Results showed that the breads that had been supplemented with hemp flour had higher nutritional value.
The bread provided an elevated intake of important nutrients such as proteins and macro-and microelements, especially iron. It also reduced the metabolizable energy from carbohydrates.
Hence, we can use hemp flour in baking breads and other bakery items to increase the nutritional value of the products.
Read the full paper at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/jfq.12159
- Use hemp seeds to improve your cardiovascular health
You can improve your cardiovascular health by consuming hemp seeds. Hemp seed has an excellent content of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
Studies on animals have examined the effects of these fatty acids. The results show that hemp seeds are great for your heart.
Studies have found that if you supplement your diets with LA (4 g-23 g/day) for a 4-week period, your blood pressure can decrease.
Reducing LA intakes to less than 5% energy can increase the risk for coronary heart disease. Intake higher than 5% can prove beneficial to health.
Hemp seed has the potential to beneficially influence heart diseases. If you or your loved ones suffer from any cardiovascular diseases, make sure to buy a pack of hemp seeds for yourself or them
Read the full paper at: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/1743-7075-7-32
- Hemp seeds that have been microwaved possess greater nutritional value
In this experiment oil extracted from hemp seeds was subjected to microwave treatments.
- Microwave your hemp oil to increase carotenoid and other pigment contents.
- It also increases p-anisidine value without significantly changing any other properties.
- You can also use this oil for protection against UV. The oil has absorbance in the UV-B and UV-C ranges.
- ꞵ-Tocopherol concentrations increased. The major tocopherol, ℽ-tocopherol, and fatty acid composition of the oil are unaffected by microwave treatment of hemp seed.
- Microwave treatment also shifts the melting range of oils to lower temperatures. It increases oxidation temperatures, hence it increases the protective effect upon heating.
The quality of the oil extracted from hemp seed can improve the understanding of the nature of hemp oil on a laboratory scale when subjected to varying microwave conditioning.
Read the full paper at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S030881460100245X
- Use hemp seeds it fulfils your requirements at a low calorie intake
You should replace other sources of fatty acids and protein with hemp seeds in your diet because of its highly desirable balance of basic nutrients.
When you consume hemp seeds or hemp oil your body obtains much of what it needs without the caloric ballast of non-essential nutrients. Welcome your desired body type body with hemp.

Unlike your regular sources of protein- fish, protein powder, and flax, hemp saves you from the foul taste. Treated right, hemp seeds taste delicious, trust me.
Fresh cold pressed hemp oil can become an important flavourful asset to your cooking. However, you should not use hemp oil for frying. Use hemp oil for light sautéing. Keep the pan at low heat and with sufficient moisture in the bottom. This limits both temperature and the formation of peroxides and off-flavors.
Eating hemp seed for protein provides a favorable AA (amino acid) composition and in a structure readily utilized.
Read the full paper at: http://www.globalhempstore.com/hemp-food/nutritional-profile-and-benefits-of-hemp-seed-nut-and-oil.html