Our goal
We think the future can be a lot better than today and yesterday.
We want everyone, everywhere, to see hemp as the crop of the future.
Hemp has the power to heal the damage our planet has suffered over the last century, and we’re here to prove it. Our dream is to make India the heart of hemp farming for the world.
We’re working to bring hope and better lives to rural communities through hemp. In Uttarakhand, we help farmers turn their small plots into thriving farms, so they can stay with their families and still earn a good living.
What We Do
More Income For Farmers
In Uttarakhand, most farmers have very small plots of land. In fact, 7 in 10 own less than a hectare. To help these farmers, we use a cluster farming approach. We convinced farmers to bring small farms together to work as one. This method works. Already, farmers are earning higher incomes from the same farmland, because of this method.
More Power For Women
We work with women’s self-help groups (SHGs) in Uttarakhand. We introduced them to hemp farming and related industries. With helped them with support from national programs. Soon, women were able to turn unpaid work into paid jobs. These were the first steps towards financial independence. This made them confident for more important roles in the village communities.
Scientific Knowledge For Farmers
Our training programs help farming families achieve two important goals: relearn organic methods and blend them with modern ideas. We help farmers grow hemp collectively and then access better markets. We also help them follow regulations easily. This helps them earn more while keeping their farming traditions alive.
Global Reach For Indian Hemp
We introduce hemp farming on barren lands in Uttarakhand. This wasn’t easy. We had to train farmers to combine age-old organic practices with new farming techniques. We got the women interested in hemp-related work. In this way we help farming families reach global markets. This creates steady incomes and allows families to stay in their villages and build better futures.
Sustainable agriculture is at the heart of our efforts.
Our training programs equip farmers with the skills and knowledge needed for responsible hemp cultivation that meets the needs of the present generation without destroying the land their children will inherit.