How hemp puts the ‘sustainable’ in eco-friendly fashion

I’ll start with a plain truth. Hemp is not the only fabric that has the promise of being eco-friendly. But it might be the only one that is fulfilling its promise. 

Hemp demands very little water, and yields more fiber per hectare. 

Add to that the fact that hemp plants remove a massive amount of CO2, and also clean the soil. 

The fabric you get from hemp is 100% biodegradable. 

And the kicker — hemp crop can be planted twice a year, unlike other crops from where the fashion industry gets its fabric. Cotton, for instance, can be planted once per year. Flax (used to make linen), can usually only be planted once every six years.

All of these things make hemp textiles and hemp plants very attractive for sustainable fashion. Let’s learn more about them, and how they’re changing the industry.

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