Himachal Pradesh’s people are geniuses.

To India and the world, they’ve given iconic products such as apples, pashmina shawls, and handcrafted wooden artifacts.

We should be proud.

Yet, my heart is heavy.

That’s because these hardworking people continue to be failed by their leaders.


  1. Today, 85% of Himachal farming depends on the whims of monsoons.
  1. High-yielding seeds remain out of reach for countless farmers.
  1. Modern farming techniques? Still a distant dream for many.

And it seems we’re on the brink of repeating history.

That too, at a time of golden opportunity. 

Hemp farming can make every Himachali farmer prosperous. 

But, it feels like déjà vu, watching the decision-makers of Himachal Pradesh poised to kill yet another golden goose, setting the state back by a decade.

Recently, during an informal discussion, I learned of a proposal to impose a THC limit of less than 0.1% on Himachal’s hemp.

I hope to voice my concerns on why this is a grave mistake and to seek support from people like you, who care about India’s hemp future. 

What is this THC < 0.1% proposal?

THC, or Tetrahydrocannabinol, is the primary psychoactive compound found in cannabis plants, including hemp.

It’s what gives marijuana its ‘high’.

However, hemp is different from marijuana.

While both are cannabis plants, hemp contains minimal THC, usually less than 0.3%.

This low THC content ensures that hemp doesn’t induce any psychoactive effects.

Now, the Himachal Pradesh government proposes to reduce this THC limit in hemp to less than 0.1%.

You might wonder, why are THC limits important.

THC limits determine the legality and usability of hemp.

A standard THC limit of less than 0.3% is globally recognized and ensures that hemp remains non-psychoactive.

Reducing this limit further to 0.1% is arbitrary.

It doesn’t offer any additional benefits but makes hemp cultivation more challenging.

Farmers would struggle to maintain such a low THC content, potentially making their crops illegal.

In essence, setting arbitrary standards on THC without scientific backing is not just imprudent but could stifle the hemp industry in Himachal Pradesh.

How can a THC < 0.1% limit kill Himachal’s hemp future?

It could make Himachal’s hemp unfit for the market

To understand the economic stupidity of the <0.1% limit, we have to understand the chemical makeup of hemp. 

You see, every plant has its essence. 

For hemp, it’s the cannabinoids, THC and CBD. 

They’re like the two sides of a coin, born from the same parent compound, CBGA.

There’s a paper, “Cannabinoid Inheritance“. Dive in if you wish to delve deeper. 

CBD, celebrated for its health benefits, is directly impacted by THC levels. A reduced THC means a compromised CBD. 

We mess up the THC, we mess up the CBD, we mess up the profitability of the entire crop. 

The vast potential of hemp, from textiles to medicines, is at stake.

Historically, India has been a land of agriculture. Our ancestors thrived by understanding nature, not by imposing arbitrary rules. 

The 0.1% THC limit is arbitrary; it’s borne out of fear and ignorance. It’s a barrier to Himachal’s progress.

In a world where nations are embracing hemp’s potential, why should Himachal lag? 

A stitch in time saves nine. It’s time for Himachal to rethink, reevaluate, and revive its hemp legacy.

It implies hemp = THC, and THC = bad. This is absurd

Hemp in Himachal has the status of a hero. 

It’s part of Himachal’s history, folklore, and culture. 

For centuries, our ancestors in Himachal have used hemp. It’s woven into our stories, our rituals, and our daily lives.

But times are changing.

The 0.1% THC limit is like a sudden glitch in a story, where the tall and handsome hero is now suddenly masked and bandaged. 

Hemp, as vilified by the <0.1% THC limit, now faces a perception challenge.

The policy – in plain language – will imply: we believe hemp is risky, we believe THC is terrible, grow your hemp without any THC inside it. 

This is absurd. 

A single tree doesn’t make a forest. Similarly, THC alone doesn’t define hemp.

By focusing solely on THC, we risk sidelining the myriad benefits of hemp.

Did you know that the Rigveda, one of our ancient scriptures, mentions the versatile uses of hemp?

Yet, here we are, questioning its very essence.

Farmers, the backbone of Himachal, might think twice before sowing hemp seeds. Not because of the plant, but because of the looming shadow of regulations.

Himachal’s fertile lands, akin to Uttarakhand, are perfect for hemp. But will we harness this potential?

It forces Himachal’s farmers to play a game they don’t know

Himachal’s farmers are much like its terrains: rugged, resilient, and deeply rooted in tradition.

For generations, they’ve tilled the land, sowing seeds of hope and reaping harvests of prosperity. 

Their methods? A blend of age-old wisdom and the rhythm of nature.

But now, a new challenge looms.

Consider this:

#Country/Region  THC Limit
7China <0.3%
8India (Uttarakhand)<0.3%
9India (Himachal Pradesh, proposed limit)<0.1%

The world seems to have found its sweet spot between 0.3% to 1.0% for THC in hemp. 

But Himachal? We’re charting a different course.

Regulations are essential, no doubt. But when they become stifling, one has to ask: Are we helping or hindering progress?

Himachal isn’t just proposing a minor THC adjustment. It’s suggesting a whopping 67% reduction from what’s accepted nationally. 

It’s like asking a sprinter to win a race with one leg tied.

This isn’t just about changing farming methods. It’s about rewriting the rulebook. 

New guidelines, fresh standards, and a slew of certifications. Are we ready for this upheaval?

Our farmers, who’ve mastered the art of cultivating hemp suitable for a 0.3% THC limit, now face a steep learning curve. 

They’re not agro-hackers, ready to tweak and twist at the drop of a hat. They’re guardians of a legacy.

Expecting them to reinvent their farming overnight is not just unrealistic; it’s unfair.

In the heart of the Himalayas, nature and tradition are in harmony. 

Can we afford to disrupt the rhythm?

It’ll shut down doors on hemp pharma in Himachal

Himachal Pradesh is a land of ancient remedies. 

These hardy people have always embraced nature’s gifts. 

To a young Himachali, hemp has a legacy. 

They’ve heard tales from their grandparents about using hemp in traditional healing.

But now, a shadow looms over this legacy.

Why? Because of the proposed 0.1% THC limit in hemp.

CBD, derived from hemp, is a modern-day elixir.

 It fights depression, eases inflammation, and even combats age-related issues. But here’s the catch: it’s not just about the individual levels of CBD or THC. 

Some treatments need a precise balance of the two.

Now, think about this: What if the very strains of hemp, rich in therapeutic potential, were suddenly off-limits? 

That’s the future we’re staring at with this THC limit. 

Some optimists believe it might open new research doors. 

To that, I ask: do your experiments inside high-tech labs, hire agro experts and chemical engineers, and work with the central government. 

Why impose an impossible challenge on Himachali farmers?

Is there any merit in the 0.1% THC limit?

The 0.1% THC limit policy in hemp has its champions. 

Their voices ring loud. But what drives their conviction?

1. Health and safety

Some say that lower THC levels protect farm workers, their families, and the population at large. 

They want to be 101% sure that nobody can get high from hemp. 

But there is no such thing as 101%. 

Hemp with THC <0.3% is 100% safe. Any further reduction is pointless. 

It’s right to think about speed limits on a highway, ensuring everyone’s safety. 

But at what points do speed limits become walls that vehicles will simply crash into. 

2. A culture of innovation

Necessity, they say, is the mother of invention. 

By imposing this stringent THC limit, we will push our scientists and farmers towards groundbreaking research in low-THC hemp strains. 

My question, again, is this: why turn Himachal Pradesh into a lab, and Himachali farmers into guinea pigs?

3. Image makeover

Hemp, for long, has been misunderstood. 

By slashing the THC limit, proponents believe we’re giving hemp a fresh, untarnished image. 

It’s like repainting an old house. 

But hemp is not a house, it’s a shrine, an ancient monument. 

Can we climb on to ladders and start repainting the Taj Mahal?

A Call to Action

Globally, the standard is set at a minimum THC content of 0.3%. 

With this proposal (limit THC to <0.1%), Himachal is venturing where few have dared. 

Thailand tried it once, only to revert.

So, the question remains: Are we charting a bold new course or setting ourselves up for a fall?

India has faced challenges before. 

Think of the Dandi March. It wasn’t just about salt. It was about fairness. 

The Swadeshi Movement wasn’t just about clothes. It was about pride.

Now, we have a new challenge with hemp. 

This isn’t just a plant issue. It’s about our farmers. It’s about our future. 

Hemp can be our new Swadeshi Movement. It can show our strength and innovation.

If you’re reading this, you can help. You have a voice. Use it. 

Talk about hemp. Share the facts. Correct the myths. One voice can start a change. Your voice can make a difference.

Rabindranath Tagore once said, “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high.” 

Let’s be fearless. Let’s talk about hemp. Let’s bring it back to its rightful place in India.



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