What’s in Your Garment? With Peter Gorse (Episode 18)

Audio/Podcast Link: https://anchor.fm/hempfoundation/episodes/Whats-In-Your-Garment–with-Peter-Gorse-Episode-18-e1j98fq

We wear clothing daily and it touches our largest organ of our bodies, our skin. In addition, our worn clothing goes through the wash almost weekly, and microfibers leak into our water supply.

If you could know more about your clothes and what ingredients they contain, would that change your purchasing decision?  Do you think there should be more transparency for the Fashion Industry to share the fabric ingredients and include labor costs, etc?   

Tune in as we speak with Peter Gorse, who created a “Garment Label” prototype akin to our Food’s “Nutritional Label”. 

About Peter Gorse

Peter Gorse trained as a product designer at Coventry University in the UK. One of his designs won an Audi Design Foundation Award.

Afterwards, he set up his own brand to design products, which included a small clothing collection. These products and clothing were sold via a number of wholesale accounts from Dockers Europe, Paul Smith Shops, Selfridges, plus numerous independents. Peter has also gained experience of marketing by filming a promotional video with MTV and appearing on an early morning breakfast TV show called Channel 4’s The Big Breakfast.

More recently, Peter has had the opportunity to conduct textile research on regenerated cellulose fibres at Cranfield University in the UK.

During Covid, when laboratories were closed, Peter created the Garment Facts label. Which he is now trying to progress after receiving significant interest.

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