Our Mission & Vision

Our Mission & Vision

Our mission is Twofold Improving the lives of hemp farmers in India, and Facilitating eco-friendly consumption patterns worldwide.

We at Hemp Foundation want to connect hard-working and impoverished hemp farmers in India with the right markets. We are motivated by the desire to help them improve their lives and get access to modern amenities. We want to empower them and ensure a better future for their families.

We intend achieving this though the promotion of hemp farming and product research aimed at helping these farmers reach a wider market in India and internationally. The lives of hemp farmers are marked by a great deal of hardship. They live in mountainous areas with bad roads, little access to education, and no job prospects. They are caught in a vicious cycle of economic deprivation. They have lived like this for generations, and we want to make a difference.

The second reason we are promoting hemp is environmental. Truly a miracle plant, hemp has uses in multiple industries, from paper and plastics to toiletries. All products developed from the plant are sustainable and eco-friendly. Hence, not only do we want to link the farmer to larger markets but also wish to promote cottage industries for processing hemp products.

Our Mission

Hemp Work

Climate Change
Organic Farming

What We Do

Climate Change
Training Program
Promoting Hemp Product
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Cluster Development
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Reverse Migration

Discover the Organic Farming & Agriculture

Discover More

Hemp products can make a big difference to the environment in three important ways:

1. Curbing plastic pollution through the promotion of biodegradable hemp plastics
2. Easing the water crisis through hemp clothing
3. Combating deforestation through the promotion of hemp paper

We need an immediate solution to many environmental problems if we want to leave a better world for our children. We need to get together and act to make our Earth a better place. We at Hemp Foundation have pledged to do this in our own way. Our founders have left successful business careers to start this movement because we want to make a difference to the lives of people. And we want your support in achieving our goal.

An Overview
Special Needs

Imagine a day when we have freed our oceans and mountains of all the plastic hat is wrecking them. Imagine a cleaner and greener planet with plenty of trees and forests. We at Hemp Foundation have pledged to plant one tree every month and take care of them like our own children. We understand that it can be hard for you to do the same, so we urge you to at least plant one tree a year on your birthday and take good care of it. Apart from planting trees, switching to hemp products can also augment environmental protection and sustainability.

The yield from one acre of hemp equals the amount of pulp that can be obtained from four acres of land. Hence it is evident that hemp paper can drastically reduce the felling of trees for paper.

The pulp and paper industry is the third-largest polluter in the United States pumping 220 million pounds of toxic waste into the environment every year. About 3 million pounds of this total of 220 million is chlorine bleach used to whiten paper, whereas hemp can be bleached with hydrogen peroxide which is safe and natural.

Similarly, hemp clothing has the potential to revolutionize the textile industry.

Hemp produces 250% more fiber than cotton. It also uses much less water.

GMO cotton uses5,000 gallons of water to produce 2 pounds of fabric—a T-shirt and a pair of jeans, for example–whereas hemp takes up merely 10% of that amount to produce the same amount of fabric.

1. Promote hemp farming and help farmers improve their quality of life.
2. Promote hemp research and sell our IP to interested parties.
3. Reduce plastic pollution by promoting the use of biodegradable hemp plastic.
4. Promote sustainable clothing by encouraging the use of hemp fabrics.

We visualize a day where plastic pollution has been curbed and human beings are living harmoniously with nature by adopting sustainable, eco-friendly practices.

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