Category Archives: News

7 Major Fibers & Textiles In The World And Their Carbon Footprint

Ever considered how your clothes affect the environment?  All clothes are made of fibers, but [...]

Your tee-shirt’s bloody trail. Explained.

Delighted about the latest cotton t-shirt you bought?  Here are three snippets of the t-shirt’s [...]

500 years of textile, and how they’ve shaped fashion today

Our history with textiles started 34,000 years ago with the fibre material flax fibre. And [...]

Hemp Seed Industry – Market Size, Industry Landscape & Scope

Let’s take a look at the perceived hemp seed industry growth: Source Promising, right? The [...]

Hemp Textile Industry: Global Market Size, Scope and Industry Landscape

Source: For a quick hemp textile industry overview, let’s start with some numbers.  But [...]