Nutritional Analysis of Hemp (Indian Hemp vs US Hemp vs Worldwide)

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]One of the most studied plants in the world, the hemp plant, is now coming on the forefront of positive discourse in our society after fifty years of getting banned by several state legislatures and governments under the drug enforcement law to prevent its abuse as a drug. Before we talk about the nutritional analysis of hemp, let’s understand more about its varieties. [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Which Hemp Variety Is Cultivated In Most Countries?

Cannabis sativa is the hemp variety that is cultivated in parts of India and several states of the US, given its remarkable properties and enormous health benefits. The Cannabis Sativa is a different strain of the marijuana plant that does not have psychoactive properties. The two most basic strains of cannabis are Cannabis Sativa and CannabisIndica, both cultivated in the US and parts of India. Both of them are different varieties of the same plant belonging to the Cannabaceae family.

Cannabis sativa originated first in central Asia and later spread to other parts of the world, such as the US. The five states that produced vast quantities of hemp and expanded their acreage are Tennessee, Kentucky, Oregon, Colorado, and Montana.

The C. Sativa variety was first classified by a biologist Carl Linnaeus in 1753. Research on cannabis edibles has successfully proved hemp to standout as a superfood. Superfoods are nutrient-rich foods considered to be extremely good for health. As defined by the British Dietetic Association (BDA), superfoods are foods rich in minerals, vitamins, and nutrients that are usually found in large quantities of vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts.

This plant is also rightly called a wonder-plant as each of its parts can be used differently to produce a myriad of vital things people use in their day to day lives, and some of them can be life-saving.

However, C. Sativa is commonly mistaken for psychoactive recreational marijuana, which gives a high. However, THC, the high-inducing element is remarkably low in this plant and therefore renders it entirely safe for cultivation and widespread usage by human beings.

Unlike Cannabis Indica, Cannabis Sativa has lower levels of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, which is psychoactive and intoxicating. However, both Indica and Sativa strains are used widely for health, therapeutic, medicinal benefits and now also consumed as edibles.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Nutritional Analysis of Hemp/Cannabis Sativa Edibles

Cannabis sativa, with the right THC strains- are used for ingestion as food or teas, vaped or inhaled- has many long-term advantages. Hemp seeds, hemp seed oil, and even CBD oil, from the Cannabis sativa L., the variety widely cultivated in India, has massive health and nutritional benefits.

However, the nutritional benefits derived from hemp edibles will always be dependent on the other ingredients that are used to bind the food. If some manufacturers use sugar and other unhealthy ingredients for tweaking the taste of the edibles, the quality of what you are consuming can also get compromised in the process.

Let us take a more in-depth look into the nutritional analysis of hemp/Cannabis sativa L. edibles.

1. Raw Cannabis

Raw cannabis is now trending as one of the highest known superfood loaded with essential nutrients present in their natural state, which otherwise gets dissipated when it is heated up. Raw cannabis is the plant in its inactive state, when the THC remains in its acidic state and therefore does not give a high, has no extra outside ingredients and is 100 percent natural cannabis. Different parts of the cannabis plant can be consumed- its stem, leaves, and even buds. Consuming raw elements of the plant is considered to be the best and direct way of deriving all the nutritional benefits of the plant.

2. Cannabis Sativa Seeds & Other Hemp Edibles

There are several hemp products available for consumption, with the same merits, and they are hemp milk, hemp seed oil, hemp seed, hemp protein powder, hemp oil, and hemp cheese substitutes. It is an excellent source of nutrients and supplements for vegetarians and vegans. The other advantages include it being gluten-free, dairy-free, and easy to digest.

Here are some of its properties―

  1. Hemp seed can be classified as a nut that is exceptionally healthy and nutritious. Hemp seeds contain abundant amounts of healthy fats and fatty acids that should be incorporated in an everyday healthy diet.
  2. Hemp seeds contain more than 30% healthy fats and essential fatty acids such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Fatty acids are needed for consumption as they are great for the brain and the heart. Intake of fatty acids can help in the reduction of inflammation, cholesterol, arthritic pain, and even in the management of ADHD symptoms. They are also rich in Vitamin E, iron, zinc, magnesium, antioxidants, and protein.
  3. Hemp seeds are also rich in a unique acid known as gamma-linolenic acid, which also possesses health benefits.These edibles are available at any health food store. Hemp seeds can be eaten with oatmeal, yogurt, and salads. It is considered to be very healthy and also can be consumed raw, roasted, or cooked.The seeds should be carefully stored in airtight containers in a dry and cool place.
  4. Hemp seeds are excellent sources of protein, which amounts to over 25% of the total calories coming from high-quality protein. This quotient is considerably higher than flax seeds and chia seeds in which the calorie source is only 16 to 18% protein. By weight, two to three tablespoon of hemp seeds has an equal amount of protein as lamb or beef.
  5. Hemp seeds also contain large amounts of essential dietary nutrients and minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and zinc. It also contains high amounts of Vitamin E, sulfur, and phosphorus.
  6. They are considered to be a complete source of protein because they contain all the essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are highly required for good health, but they are not produced in the body and have to be obtained only from diet.

Other Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds contain large amounts of an amino acid called arginine, and gamma-linolenic acid, both of which has shown miraculous results in treating and curing heart diseases.

  1. Arginine releases high doses of nitric oxide in the body. In contrast, nitric oxide gas molecule helps in relaxing and dilating the blood vessels, thereby lowering blood pressure and risk of heart diseases.
  2. Gamma-linolenic acid in hemp seeds is also associated with decreasing inflammation in the body, which too, helps in reducing risks of blood clot formation, high blood pressure, and heart diseases.
  3. Fatty acids present in hemp seeds in optimal quantities have also been used for treating several skin-related diseases. Hemp seed oil administered to eczema patients have shown considerable improvement. Hemp oil is also used to relieve dry skin, reduces itchiness, and the overall condition of the skin.

3.Cannabis-derived CBD or Cannabinoid

Widespread research on medicine has shown effective results of CBD in treating a broad spectrum of diseases and disorders in human beings. CBD, one among over 100 chemical compounds present in Cannabis Sativa. The main psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis is THC. Unlike THC, CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid. Research shows CBD containing more antioxidants than a combination of Vitamin E and C.

CBD oil is made through a process of extraction from the cannabis Sativa plant, which is then diluted with a carrier oil, either hemp seed oil or coconut oil.

While fighting off an infection or a cold, our bodies need antibiotics and antioxidants to recover. CBD can deliver both of them in generous doses along with its antibacterial properties. Therefore, making it a superfood as well as a medicine.

The most important properties of CBD are as follows:

  • Anti-anxiety
  • Antipsychotic
  • Anti-nausea
  • Anti-inflammation and arthritic
  • Anti-convulsive
  • Anti-cardiovascular diseases

These salient features of CBD help in the treatment of a broad spectrum of diseases that people suffer from all over the world in massive numbers. CBD use gives patients a more energetic and stimulating experience than other drugs whose main side effects are also debilitating for the patients.

Significant findings through research prove that CBD is excellent in reducing chronic pain. Therefore it is also often administered to patients suffering from chronic pain from diseases like multiple sclerosis, or rheumatoid arthritis.

CBD oil is undoubtedly the number one product in treating depression, anxiety and stress disorders. A report of WHO shows how depression is the most significant contributor to death and disability worldwide, while anxiety holds the sixth position. CBD oil has safely treated insomnia, severe and chronic mental health issues such as PTSD, and even anxiety in children.

CBD oil has also shown excellent results in reducing the symptoms caused by cancer and the treatment of cancer. CBD oil also works miraculously in easing and treating the symptoms of epilepsy and severe neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

In Conclusion

Even if the 2018 Farm Bill legalized the cultivation of hemp, the legal status of cannabidiol derived from hemp stays in limbo. This is primarily due to the reason that if CBD derived from the Cannabis plant contains more than 0.3 percent THC, it is still technically a drug that is prohibited.

This requires diligent and active classification, boundary, and regulation of policies to bring the hemp plant in a positive light. It might take years, but, it is already garnering massive support and gaining popularity among the masses to take up the seat of the wonder plant finally.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]



Is CBD Legal?

CBD products derived from hemp that contain less than 0.3 percent THC is legal on specific countries like the US, and recently in India. However, they are still illegal in America on the federal level.

CBD infused water and fresh beverages and teas were popularly sold in several stores of Colorado and California with 20 mg of “active hemp extract”. However, this is illegal at the federal level. The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act prohibit labeling even approved drugs to people or animals.

Look up your state and country laws to have a better idea of CBD product legalization.

One must, however, keep a note of the fact that the FDA does not approve nonprescription CBD products, and therefore, can be labeled inaccurately.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

Are Hemp Seeds Legal?

Hemp seeds contain no THC or any type of psychoactive chemicals, and therefore have no threat of abuse as a narcotic drug. It is fully legal to sell and consume hemp seeds in the US.

Considering how much scientific nutritional analysis of hemp showcase its health benefits, it’s easy to assume that more state governments will consider decriminalizing it.


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