Hemp is one of the oldest and most versatile plants known to mankind. Such is its versatility that it can be used for everything from food to making paper, plastic, rope and even car parts. Here we will discuss how hemp can keep climate change at bay.

If ever there was one plant that symbolized the thought of living in harmony with nature, this was it.

In an increasingly environmentally polluted world, it can play a more than handy role. Let us take a look at some ways in which hemp can save the world from climate change.

Hemp Reduces Pesticide Pollution

We know about the harmful effects of pesticides that are responsible for various ailments such as cancer, birth deformities, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Pesticides are also known to saturate and contaminate water sources such as streams, lakes, and seas. Hemp does not require pesticides or herbicides to grow well. Using hemp can save the world from the harmful effects of pesticides.

Hemp Can Make the Soil Fertile Again

Hemp is an all-terrain plant. Such is its ability to grow in almost any terrain that people often end up calling it a weed. However, the reality is that its deep roots hold the soil together and prevent its erosion.

The stems and leaves of the hemp plant are also packed with nutrients. As the plant grows, it sheds its leaves and these nutrients are absorbed into the earth with the promise of better yields in the coming year.

Hemp is Used for Producing Biodegradable Plastic

The fact that industrial petroleum is poisonous is nothing new. But what many people don’t know is that the primary material in plastic is cellulose which comes from industrial petroleum.

Hemp is a biodegradable and eco-friendly substitute for cellulose. Yes, hemp is the best source of cellulose on earth and it is decomposable as well.

So why not create plastic from hemp instead of polluting the land and seas with plastic from petroleum that will not go away even in a hundred years?

Image Source: researchgate.net

Hemp Absorbs Lethal Metals

There is good soil and there is bad soil: a soil which is good for cultivation, and soil which has become contaminated and poisonous.

Thanks to human greed and selfishness, we have increasingly forgotten how important good soil is to our survival.

Hemp can help in this respect. The plant is known to reduce the levels of toxicity in soil by absorbing it.

It has been so successful in reducing toxicity in soil that it is being considered for getting rid of radiation at Fukushima.

Say Yes to Biofuel from Hemp

Hemp can be turned into biofuel with 97% effectiveness. Compared to other biofuel options, it burns at lower temperatures. Perhaps the best part is that instead of foul fumes, its emissions are actually fragrant.

Hemp Cuts Down on Carbon Emission Impact

It has been scientifically proven that hemp traps carbon dioxide from the air and absorbs it into itself. Each ton of hemp output captures around 1.63 tons of carbon dioxide from the air.

Hemp Reduces Deforestation

Did you know that the replacement for a tree that has been cut to produce paper takes 30 years to grow? Or that the rate of deforestation that is going on in the world is equivalent to 48 football fields a minute?

Hemp comes to the rescue again as hemp grown in one section of land can deliver the yearly paper’s equivalent of four sections of land with trees.

Additionally, hemp plants take less time to grow than trees and can be processed in a matter of months. The quality of hemp paper that is produced is also better than that produced from trees. It is a win-win situation for all as we can get our paper and the air and land also stay wholesome.

Switch to hemp and save the world from climate change.

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