Did you know that the existence of hemp in fashion was first documented in the bronze age? That is nearly 5000 years ago. So would it be a switch to hemp or just a jump back to the old ways? 

Anyways, hemp is making waves in the fashion industry, promising a greener and more responsible future. 

The benefits of hemp in fashion which we’ll discuss further make it a standout choice for eco-conscious designers.

However, despite its growing appeal, hemp in fashion is far from mainstream. 

Read on to understand the potential benefits hemp fabric brings to fashion. We also talk about the challenges of taking this adoption to the next level. 

Hemp in fashion: why is the world embracing this?

Strength, adaptability,  and sustainability. These are words that ring out when hemp is mentioned in the fashion world. 

Durability and Longevity

When we pit against hemp fabric vs cotton, hemp is the stronger of the two. It can rival even steel in tensile strength. This incredible durability means hemp fabrics can withstand high wear and tear. 


This makes it ideal for long-lasting clothing. Hemp’s properties also give it a longer lifespan than many fast-fashion items. This means you can reduce the frequency of replacements and contribute to lower textile waste.

Blending Versatility and Adaptability

Another reason for hemp’s rising popularity is its adaptability. It can be blended with fibres like cotton, linen, or silk to create fabrics that combine the best properties of each material. 

For example, a silk-hemp blend offers a perfect mix of softness and strength. 

Further, hemp’s high affinity for natural dyes requires less energy and water for coloring. Thus it is a superior option for eco-conscious dyeing processes. 

What does the environment stand to gain from hemp in fashion?

Carbon Sequestration

Hemp is a powerful tool in combating climate change. A single hectare of hemp can sequester between 9 to 15 tonnes of CO₂. This can be compared to a young forest. However, it achieves this remarkable feat within just five months of growth.

Biogenric carbon cycle for cellulose-based fibers


Resource Usage

Compared to water-intensive crops like cotton, hemp is far more efficient. 

It requires only about one-fourth of the water needed for cotton cultivation. This makes it an ideal choice for regions suffering from water scarcity. This water-saving quality reduces the environmental impact of textile production, making it an eco-friendly fashion material.

Additionally, hemp’s natural resilience to pests and diseases allows it to thrive with minimal or no pesticides and herbicides. This feature reduces chemical runoff into waterways. 

It protects surrounding ecosystems while promoting healthier soil by maintaining a balanced microbial environment.

Soil Health and Erosion Control

Hemp enhances soil health by breaking disease cycles in crop rotations. Its dense foliage prevents soil erosion, while its roots act as a natural cover crop, helping to retain moisture. 

Hemp is also valuable for phytoremediation. In layman’s terms, this is the process of absorbing heavy metals and toxins from contaminated soil. This capability makes it useful in cleaning industrial pollution and even areas impacted by nuclear disasters.

What stands in the way of hemp in fashion taking off?

Though we’ve discussed the benefits hemp brings to the fashion world, it would not be a fair comparison if the challenges weren’t mentioned. 

Economic Challenges

Processing hemp into fabric is more complex and expensive than conventional materials.  This is due to the need for specialized machinery and techniques to soften and spin hemp’s coarse fibers into wearable textiles. So for price-sensitive consumers, the fabric is less appealing. 

 As of 2022, hemp accounted for only 0.26% of the global fiber market, limiting its economies of scale. This low production volume drives up the cost of hemp fabric. 

Thus, its competitiveness in mainstream fashion is reduced. This has led to us not experiencing the benefits of hemp clothing. 

Limited Awareness and Availability

The full benefits of hemp fabric are still not well-known to many consumers. This gap in awareness stifles demand, making it difficult for hemp-based products to gain significant market penetration.

Hemp products are not as widely available as conventional materials. This has created a distribution gap. 

Limited regional accessibility hampers consumer adoption. It is usually hard for shoppers to find hemp-based alternatives in local stores or popular retail platforms.

Processing Innovations Needed

Hemp processing methods largely date back to the early 1900s and have not advanced to meet modern textile industry demands. Developing the updated techniques required for efficient hemp processing is not too easy. 

It requires substantial investment in technology and infrastructure. Without these innovations, unfortunately, the cost and complexity of processing hemp will continue to be a significant barrier to widespread adoption.

Fashion brands using hemp

The use of hemp in fashion is gaining momentum as the fabric gains the spotlight for the benefits it holds.

Notable Brands Using Hemp In Fashion

These 3 brands have successfully integrated hemp fabrics into some of their select product lines. 

  • Eileen Fisher: Renowned for its commitment to sustainability, Eileen Fisher integrates hemp into various garments, championing eco-friendly design practices.
  • Patagonia: This outdoor apparel leader uses hemp in select products like its jackets & sweatshirts. 
  • WAMA Underwear: This brand is focused exclusively on hemp-based underwear. WAMA combines comfort and sustainability to cater to eco-conscious consumers seeking sustainable basics.

Knowing the significant impact this plant can have on the fashion industry is unimaginable. Though the adoption of hemp in fashion comes with its own challenges, it is heartening to know that there are changemakers paving the path towards its mainstream use.

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